Two Waters
Arts Alliance
Two Waters Arts Alliance (TWAA) is a collaborative and community-based organization that facilitates participation and education in the arts for the people of the Key Peninsula and surrounding communities.
In 2024 TWAA’s focus is on the Artists in Schools program, children’s theater, family events, and promotion of local artists.
TWAA is supported by donations, memberships, volunteers, and grants. Help the arts thrive on the Key Peninsula by becoming a participant or supporter.
Two Waters Arts Alliance is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and relies on donations to support a large portion of our activities.
Your contribution supports programs like Art in Schools and the annual Key Center Art Walk, helping us spread the joy of art and creativity around the Key Peninsula.
Thank you!
Coming Up
Open Mic Cafe’
Studio Tours
Take a virtual visit of the art studios of 10 community members who opened their doors to share their artistic skills. Click Here to Visit
TWAA Presents
Two Waters Artists In Schools is a twofold program. Classroom teachers call upon artists in the “Residency” program to flesh out specific topics within the classroom environment: a musician brings songs of the time to life in a history lesson, or a visual artist expands the world of a plant in science. The artist functions as a resource, much like a film strip or textbook, under a teacher’s direction illustrating how art and core studies interrelate. For students wishing to explore specific artistic activities, Artists in Schools supports the increasingly popular Key Peninsula Middle School “After School Arts” program. Professional artists, most from the Key Peninsula, guide students through a particular art project in a focused after school program.
Chris Bronstead
Featured Artist