Beverly Bier-Pedersen Art Student Scholarship
About Beverly Bier-Pedersen –
Beverly was a Key Peninsula resident for over four decades and a professional artist all her life. As a young woman, she earned a scholarship to the Pittsburgh Art Institute but did not complete her studies due to marriage and motherhood. She moved to the San Francisco Bay Area and continued her art education by studying with prominent artists, including Robert E. Wood, Jane Burnham, Jade Fon, and Don Louthian. In 1972, she traveled to London to study at the Sir John Cass Faculty of Art, Media and Design and to Paris to study at the Lycée. Beverly never stopped improving her skills and continued her studies with Pacific Northwest artists such as Carol O’Connor and Fumiko Kimura. She was also a gifted teacher, volunteering to lead art projects for Key Peninsula grade school children, teaching some junior college classes, and holding classes in her studio. Beverly took art education seriously and wanted to leave the legacy of art education. At her direction, the Beverly Bier-Pedersen Art Scholarship was established through the sale of her artwork after her death in 2024.
Two Scholarship Opportunities!
Beverly Bier-Pedersen Art Student Scholarship
A scholarship of $2,000 is available to help Key Peninsula residents of any age to study all types of art as their primary focus. This money must be used to pay for art materials and/or tuition at an art school or academic institution. The intention is to support people in becoming professional artists through traditional study and includes those who are returning to formal study after working in other fields.
To be considered for this scholarship, you must:
- Intend to study art as your primary educational focus,
- Be accepted at an art institute or an accredited school with an art department (This does not have to be an in-state school,)
- Have lived on the Key Peninsula within the past 5 years,
- Use the scholarship money to pay for tuition and/or the materials you will need for the art program,
- Have not received this scholarship more than 4 times in the past,
- Complete the student scholarship application form (click here) between March 1st and June 1st. You will learn of your scholarship status by July 7th.
Beverly Bier-Pedersen Art Teacher Scholarship
A grant of $500 is available to anyone teaching art at a school serving the Key Peninsula. This money must be used to learn or refine an art technique and acquire the materials needed to teach it to schoolchildren. The intention is to help those who are bringing hands-on art experiences to children by enabling them to take classes and pass the gained knowledge on.
To be considered for this scholarship, you must:
- Be teaching art at schools, either public or private, that serve children living on the Key Peninsula (You may be working as either a professional or volunteer teacher,)
- Be accepted at an art institute or an accredited school with an art department,
- Complete the teacher scholarship application form (click here) between March 1st and June 1st. You will learn of your scholarship status by July 7th.
Art In Schools
The arts, both visual and performing, are unquestionably crucial to today’s education according to educators. They are subjects unto themselves, and also are vital teaching tools in virtually every subject in the classroom. Since 2001 the Two Waters Arts Alliance has supported Key Peninsula schools in keeping a vibrant arts program working for all students because of sharply constrained education budgets.
Two Waters Artists In Schools is a twofold program. Classroom teachers call upon artists in the “Residency” program to flesh out specific topics within the classroom environment: a musician brings songs of the time to life in a history lesson, or a visual artist expands the world of a plant in science. The artist functions as a resource, much like a film strip or textbook, under a teacher’s direction illustrating how art and core studies interrelate. For students wishing to explore specific artistic activities, Artists in Schools supports the increasingly popular Key Peninsula Middle School “After School Arts” program. Professional artists, most from the Key Peninsula, guide students through a particular art project in a focused after school program. Topics may range from painting to mask making and creative writing.
Throughout COVID, Two Waters Arts Alliance has worked to ensure that local students have access to the arts, through its Art Bags program as well as online Zoom art classes through the middle school. In all its school support programs Two Waters hews to its founding principles: it supplies the artists and all supplies so that every Key Peninsula student may participate and learn. The programs are funded through membership in the Two Waters Arts Alliance, from private donations and through grants.