Open Mic Cafe

Open Mic Cafe

Join Two Waters at the Longbranch Improvement Club for Open Mic Café, February 14, 2023 6-9pm. Open Mic Café will feature local musicians, authors and artists for an evening of music, readings and browsing.  Beer/wine/coffee/sodas and snacks will be served.  This is a...
Give Your Heart to Art

Give Your Heart to Art

Join Two Waters at the Key Peninsula Civic Center, February 11, 2023 2-5pm for a family friendly event. Local artists will be featured and elementary students will provide the music.
Contra dance at the Longbranch Improvement Club

Contra dance at the Longbranch Improvement Club

Join Two Waters January 21, 2023  2-4pm at the Longbranch Improvement Club for a fun family friendly afternoon of Contra Dancing. Contra dance is folk dancing made up of long lines of couples. Come with or without a partner. Live music will be provided by the Flaming...
2022 Holiday Art Sale | Call for Artists

2022 Holiday Art Sale | Call for Artists

Artists interested in a spot at the 2022 Holiday Art Sale, December 8 at the Mustard Seed Project are encouraged to call (253) 884-9814 or email Cost is $10 for TWAA members, $20 for non-members.